SFG: chocolate

The extended challenge currently on sugarfrostedgoodness.com is “chocolate” One of my favorite books is “The Emperors of Chocolate” by Joel Glenn Brenner. Ms. Brenner’s book reads like a cold war novel. It is brimming with intrigue, double-crossing, espionage, technology and, best of all, chocolate. Ms. Brenner chronicles the rivalry between eccentric Milton S. Hershey and …

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IF: captain

The current word on illustrationfriday.com is “captain” There were many captains to choose from…..Captain Jack Sparrow, Captain Walker, Billy Joel’s Captain Jack, Captain Morgan, Captain Kidd, Captain and Tennille, Captains Pierce and McIntyre, Captains Courageous, Captain Janks, Captain Amazing, Captain America, Captain Kirk, Captain Marvel… But I picked my favorite.