The new challenge on Monday Artday is “cliffhanger”.
Action! Adventure! Intrigue! More Action! This is what you’ll encounter along side Cliff Hanger as he embarks on “The Mystery of the Foreign Stuff”. Join Cliff Hanger as he covertly transverses recondite continents searching for mysterious mystery. Marvel as Cliff Hanger battles savage and bloodthirsty inhabitants of uncivilized civilizations. Thrill as Cliff Hanger peculates ancient relics from lost and puerile cultures with ways different from our own. Laugh when Cliff Hanger humiliates those more substantial than himself. Cheer when Cliff Hanger kills someone unprovoked and for no apparent reason. It’s all here! America’s last and only hope Cliff Hanger! Don’t miss Cliff Hanger in his latest, greatest and most implausible adventure yet “The Mystery of the Foreign Stuff”.