The challenge word this week is “balloon”.
This is the second of two illustrations I did for the topic. Here is the first.
On Thanksgiving Day 1997, Kathleen Caronna was watching the annual Macy’s Parade at 72nd St. and Central Park West alongside her husband and her infant son. In 40 mile-per-hour winds, handlers marching in the parade lost control of the six-story high Cat in the Hat balloon. The errant balloon crashed into a streetlamp. A piece of the streetlamp broke off and struck Ms. Caronna in the head, knocking her unconscious. Caronna was in a coma for 22 days after emergency surgery. She suffered skull fractures, brain damage and partial loss of vision. She filed a $395 million lawsuit against the city, Macy’s and the lamppost manufacturer. In 2001, she settled for an undisclosed amount.
On October 11, 2006, a Cirrus SR20 plane piloted by New York Yankees’ pitcher Cory Lidle crashed into the Belaire Apartments at E. 72nd Street on New York City’s Upper East Side. Lidle and flight instructor Tyler Stanger were both killed. Their plane crashed into Kathleen Caronna’s bedroom.
I’m not sure what to say about this. I remember those horrific accidents! This is a original and pessimistic view on a subject often associated with fun. It does make one think…
I am constantly intrigued by your knowledge of such events and your illustrations which accompany them!
I wonder how much she made on the settlement for the balloon accident. But whatever the amount, it just goes to show you, money can’t buy you the ability to stop a bad pilot from crashing into your apartment.
Love this illustration! And where the hell do you get all your info?
I think the courts should have insisted she return the settlement on the grounds that she is just a horribly unlucky woman.
wow… what a thought provoking take on the subject!… love it!
I don’t know why but I just love it
I can’t put it into words though…but it gives off a feeling…
The whole deflated idol of many children taking out a sign…
It tells a story almost…
anyways yes…..very cool….good job
Don’t blame me, it was all Gimbels’ fault. We only started that darn parade so we would attract more shoppers on Black Friday than Gimbels did. So? We put them out of business, and the lampost hit the lady….what have we learned? Business is good….now get out there and go shopping!!
Blimey! Life’ll get you in the end.