DCS: moms mabley

June is Pride Month. Loretta Aiken was one of 16 children born to James Aiken and Mary Smith. James was moderately successful  in Bevard, North Carolina, starting and operating various business ventures. However, Loretta’s childhood was anything but happy. She gave birth twice before she was 13, both times as a victim of rape and …

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DCS: david mixner

June is Pride Month. David Mixner spent his entire life fighting for what was right. In the 1960s, as a college student, he opposed the war in Vietnam. He organized a campus-wide protest against a speech delivered by General William Westmoreland. He took his protest to the 1968 Democratic Convention where he was allegedly beaten …

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DCS: freddie mercury

June is Pride Month. Freddie Mercury was a complicated person. His wild and flamboyant stage persona was a vast contrast to his quiet, reserved, almost shy, demeanor off-stage. Raised in a strict Zoroastrianism family, he kept his homosexuality a secret from his parents, a decision that often troubled him. But young Freddie was somewhat of …

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DCS: barbara gittings

June is Pride Month. Barbara Gittings first heard the word “homosexual” when she was rejected for membership in the National Honor Society. She never considered her attraction to women unusual until a high school teacher informed her that, despite being an excellent student, her “homosexual inclinations” were grounds to keep her out of the National …

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DCS: arlene golonka

When she was a teenager, Arlene Golonka knew she wanted to be an actress. She appeared in small, summer stock productions in her native Chicago, before landing a role opposite Ben Gazzara in The Night Circus at a theatre in New Haven, Connecticut. After a successful run, the play headed to Broadway at the end …

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DCS: jeffrey hunter

Hank McKinnies, Jr. began his acting career on radio and in local theater. His big break came when he was spotted by talent scouts and offered a contract with 20th Century Fox. Using the stage name “Jeffrey Hunter,” he was cast in a bit part in a 1950 film adaptation of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar with a young …

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